Saturday, January 22, 2011

One more version of the poem

It is amazing how a piece can evolve given time. It can go so many ways. This is what I think will be the last version. I found the earlier versions were too vague and most did not get the idea of the shift of time. Thus, this version makes that clearer and some of the images had to be reworked to match the time frames. Change is good as long as your ego doesn't get in the way.

His AMs –


He lay opened eyed with her sweat and perfume on his skin.
Soft warm breezes came through the open windows
For them early morning – for the clock 9:43 AM
,        Turquoise water lapping on white sand
.        Pure whitewashed walls and blue tile roofs
.        The slow dance of grain in a sunny field
.        Warm coffee and soft rolls
.        A long note drawn on a cello
.        A steady light in the distance
Sheets pushed off.
Their bodies in rest were nude.


Dreams awakened him with muscles tense
Black of night enclosed them
The clock said 12:13 AM
.        A white carnation
.        Agenda filled time
.        Tassels moving across high school mortar boards
.        The crackle of an airport loudspeaker
.        Words moving across the screen
.        Dollar filled minds
She rolled over in her sleep.
He felt her warm knee brush his thigh.


Pain pulsed in his knee; he was aware of the pacemaker steadied pulse.
Gray light, filtered through the falling snow, flowed into the room
The clock said 4:23 AM.
.        A dusting of white sand on dark macadam,
.        The sensation of running up hill,
.        At the top of the hill a silent, dark windmill,
.        Dried purple leaves and three drops of blood on an aqua background,
.        Sea foam on a winter beach,
.        The deep amber of dried marmalade on white bread
She had pulled the blanket,
He sensed the cold leaking in to his bones.

Well there it is...Like it any better than the last?

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