Sunday, March 7, 2010

Beginning - poem

This is early morning musings that came out in a random form, almost poetry.

Beginning –

Burgeoning consciousness
Senses unfolding
Bright dots, lines on the back of closed lids
Rustling fabric, breath, birds, wind sounds mix
Contact on cotton, creases, warmth, cooling
Muscle signals, pain, inactivity, extending, contracting
Movement, rolling, compressing, lengthening
Expanding awareness
Ideas invading silence, flashes of thoughts
The instinctive moving to the planned
Needs rising, commitments, guilts, desires
Reaction to intents, resistance, action
Still without formed direction, retreat or advance
Curtains being drawn away, opening the inner cave
Life floods in to fill the center, the soul compressed.
The pull of time, the requirement to accept control
How to generate impulses to start the body in motion
Remembering, steps, sequences, form, balance
Reflexes happen, delays, then activity to the vertical

The radio is on,” Good morning. I’m Christine Zoro and this is the news”
The day is launched.

This is how it goes as I sweep out the cobwebs in the morning and the body restarts . Always an early riser I do like the dawn; probably left over from my Navy time when each day I would rise to catch the stars as the sun rose and the horizon became clear. Loved those sunrises.