Saturday, December 11, 2010

A piece that works from my graddaughter, Ada

My previous post was one that did not sing for me and needed help. I got this just the other day as a first piece of writing from my 10 year old granddaughter. I love the voice and the aliveness of it. It really sings for me and I hope for you.

Ada Story - 12/8/2010

Have you ever moved? Well I have a bit of sweetness that’s carried me a long way…when I was little I lived in a different house than I do now. Back than I would always moan

‘‘Can I go on the porch?’’(The porch was actually a fire escape)

So once my mom got my sister, Emma to come along.
I would pour the sugar into a teeny tiny bowl and my sister would sort of smirk


“Be careful” I would mimic with my tongue sticking out like a snake’s.

My sister would remark‘‘Let me get that for you!’’
As I clumsily dropped some sugar on the floor but I didn’t mind. I hobbled out smiling from ear to ear because I knew I would get to taste them.

So there I was 3-year-old Ada I heard the wind whistling in my ear, my short blond hair flowing in the wind. The hot sun burning down on me, like it was my spot light, I was a regular ShirleyTemple! The swaying rusty fire escape, which was my glistening stage. (Which I called a porch)


I would yell to the world! And when the show was all over I would lean my head all the way back onto the creamy milky white eggshell windowpane and munch just one more juicy fresh cold sugar coated taste bud turning strawberry.

‘‘Its so hot’’ I would cry!
‘’Its boiling’’ my sister agreed

Some days I would coo to my sister‘‘One day I’m going to travel to the sun”
And then I would gulp down one more spectacular strawberry.

And now once in awhile I dig my teeth into anther ruby colored strawberry, then I close my eyes and there I am standing next to my sister gulping down 1…2… 3… and then last but not least 4. When I come out of my amazingly sweet smelling dream I’m still next to my sister saying silly questions making weird faces and loving every moment of her and the strawberry delights! And now we even matured to strawberries with chocolate coating but that’s a whole other story.

There is a picture of the author today. Now don't you think that piece has life, feelings and aliveness. That is what I would like to have brought to my "Winter Enduro" piece. Don't you agree ?

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